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Monday 23 April 2012

That's what little girls are made of... The gender battle continues...

This is What Little Girls Are Made Of


As motherhood settles in, I find myself more and more in awe of the women of the world. Truth be told I have always been a fan of women and their special abilities and strengths. But since becoming a mother I am in serious danger of becoming a real feminist. And no, not the butch kind, which to my mind seems to be defeating the purpose entirely. The beauty in our strength is that it is perfectly carried in our delicate, curvy, feminine, pretty little physiques.

Somewhere between worshipping men in my teens and being disappointed by them in my twenties, I realised that women and men have different roles in relationships and that women were as good at fulfilling theirs as men were at delivering in theirs. For example women were better at the nurturing thing and they therefore had an obviously pivotal role in bringing up children. Men on the other hand have bigger guns and therefore are better at protecting their families in cases of hand to hand combat. Yes in cavemen days gone by, this also meant they were better at hunting wooly mammoths for food, an obviously pivotal role in survival.

What I seem to be learning in my thirties is that somewhere in the evolutionary path, the man's role in a family's survival seems to be diminishing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating single sex parents or saying that men are useless, I'm just saying that a man's role in the survival of the species seems to be not as important as a woman's anymore. *hiding my face from punches*

 Lets examine the facts...


Males have bigger brains in general. This is however thought to be more to accommodate muscle mass than more processing power.
Females have a greater connection between their left and right brains, enabling better communication and intuition. They can also multi-task better than men, though men are more focussed on individual tasks.
Women have more connections between their brain cells, enabling faster, more complete processing of information and better memory storage.
Women have more developed language centers in the brain, making them better at language based tasks. Males only have activity in one side of their brains during language stimulation, while females have activity in both.
Male brains tend to have bigger mathematical centers and do score higher than females on math based tasks. This also applies to physics and chemistry.
Men employ "fight or flight" tactics while women employ "tend or befriend" tactics during stress. Women therefore being more instrumental in creating better group dynamics, tolerance and patience. Men are also more likely to participate in risky, dangerous activities.
Women tend to have difficulty in this arena, demonstrated by the number of women with 'no sense of direction'.
Men are by far more likely to develop brain disorders like dyslexia, autism, ADHD. While women tend more to develop mood disorders.
Women have larger limbic systems, making their nurturing / nesting instincts more dominant than men
For many tasks women use more advanced areas of the brain (the cerebral cortex), whereas men use more primitive areas.
The male brain has to go into a rest state to renew, recharge and reorient itself, whereas women do this without having to go to sleep. Females also have a larger blood flow to their brains.

There are also similar differences in the hormonal profiles of males and females, as well as the energetic profiles of each gender (if quantum physics and the energy body is more your thing)

In some parts of the world scientist have even gone so far as to develop different teaching techniques for the genders so as to take these differences into account:
Boys Will Be Boys, Girls Will Be Girls, Brain-based Gender Differences
William McBride, Ph.D.

Now certainly you are welcome to draw your own conclusions from these points, and I'd be happy if you chose this forum to air your opinion, but what is a blog if not a place to safely, arrogantly and self-centredly put forward your own biased opinion...

My opinion is thus; man's usefullness in maintaining the family unit, and even society at large is fast diminishing. Women have become equally capable at being breadwinners (artists previously known as mammoth hunters). I'm willing to bet, looking around you, you have more dual-income friends than not, and those females that are not working, aren't housewives because they can't find a talent that will at least bring in enough money to keep a family alive.
So isn't it amazing that for centuries after the death of the last wooly mammoth, men continue to delude themselves and the rest of the world that they are the center of the family and that women are merely the supporting cast?

My disclaimer... I can't be blamed for changing my mind in my forties

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