Back to work... and yes, of course... serious lack of blogging time. No shortage of blog material in this busy period of baby blossoming however. My little angel is already 6 months old and her personality is emerging as forcefully as her will power. We've reached and traversed many treacherous milestones, all gone unblogged this far, but hopefully I'll find the time to reach into my memory banks, and into the box of "my first..." pictures to share with you the challenges we've faced. I certainly want to talk about starting solids soon, not to mention the inevitable constipation that follows. Sitting and crawling and how to guide baby to develop these skills are also on the list of things to do, not to mention infant potty training ("gasp" I hear you shudder). Vaccinations... when, why, how... and also if!, plus my viewpoint on antibiotics and why they're bad for you are also in the pipeline. As I drag myself off to baby's dreamfeed, let me leave you with a promise that before the week is through, I will have been back here at least once to tell you all about my baby's first solid solid meal and how I embarked on the journey to weaning!
Much much love all you mommies, daddies and babies!!!!